He's branded a spy, the authorities close in, and he quickly flees for his life. But in the midst of having the new memories implanted, something goes haywire. Douglas Quaid (Farrell) is a factory worker with a stable job and a loving wife (Beckinsale), but upon learning that a company named Rekall could grant him the memory of the ultimate espionage adventure, he decides to take a virtual vacation. The planet has been decimated by chemical war in the late 21st century, leaving only two nations - the United Federation of Britain and the Colony. Dick's classic Sci-Fi short story We Can Remember It for You Wholesale returns to the big screen starring Colin Farrell, Bryan Cranston, and Kate Beckinsale, and directed by Underworld's Len Wiseman. I would give a rating of probably 7-8 out of 10.A remake of the film Total Recall (1990), author Philip K. All in all, Total Recall is a great movie for someone who has never watched the original. Total Recall started out great but by the time it hits the 60-80mins mark it starts to become a mindess action movie and it was pretty much predictable after that. Arnie had some witty one-sentence line whereas Collin was pretty much serious throughout.

What this movie lacks as compared to the original was a lack of witty lines. The notion 'What is real' works well in this movie, especially in one of the scene in the hotel lobby i believe. It feels more epic, saving a country seems more intense than saving a bunch of people living on Mars. I have watched the original Total Recall and i have to say that these remake is slighty better. The other actors seemed blend and no one really stood out. The guy who played Cohagen was average a best. She was definitely the best actor in this movie, hands down. Collin Farell acting here is good but not worthy of any awards though Kate Beckinsale was amazing. The difference in these two countries is vast and both of them looks amazing. It paints a future of the world where only two 'countries' exist while the majority of the Earth have become inhabitable. It makes you wonder how believable the place is. Graphically, Total Recall is beautifully crafted with good CGI work. Try not to compare Arnie with Farrel and Beckinsale with Sharon Stone. Well, there are many differences in these two movies and if you want to truly enjoy this remake, you have gotta forget bout the original one. The reviews I've read so far reveals how many are comparing this to the 1990 movie staring Arnie. I managed to watch total recall a couple of days back, and have watched it a second time. The harder Quaid fights to defeat him, the clearer it becomes that his memory had been altered long before he walked into Rekall.
#Watch movie total recall 2012 free#
Cohaagen seeks to control the entire free world. He joins forces with rebel soldier Melina (Jessica Biel) on a mission to track down Matthias (Bill Nighy), the head of a resistance movement that's been labeled a terrorist organization by the tyrannical Chancellor Cohaagen (Bryan Cranston). Later, Quaid discovers that his life and memories were implanted.

A remake of the film Total Recall (1990), author Philip K.